Top 5 smile facts!

April 12, 2016

Every year 20th March is World Oral Health Day. This is a day where, across the world, activities take place to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining good oral health. Information and advice are given to help ensure that as many people as possible are able to enjoy their smile. To celebrate World Oral Health Day the British Dental Health Foundation has published facts about smiles. We thought we’d share some of these, and our advice for helping you to ensure yours is something to be proud of.

Here are a few of our favourites:

  • Smiles are infectious, and can help improve our mood. By smiling at another person, it is highly likely they will smile back at you. This not only makes them feel happy, but improves your mood as well. Spread the happiness this Spring/Summer and make the effort to smile more!
  • It’s easy to smile. Whereas a frown takes 43 facial muscles to create, a smile takes a mere 17. So it’s much easier to smile than to frown.
  • If you’re looking for love, a smile can really help you on your mission. Over half the respondents in a survey reported that the first thing they noticed when meeting a new person was their smile. Smiles were also reported to be one of the most attractive things about people. So it would certainly seem that a smile is a powerful tool in the quest for a new love match.
  • Smiles can also help us if we are looking for employment. Candidates who arrive for interview with a smile on their face are generally perceived as more likeable, friendly and approachable. Prospective employers also tend to find smiling candidates more trustworthy. Give it a try at your next job interview: that smile might make all the difference!
  • Charles Darwin also reported that, across the world, smiles are universal. In comparison to many other physical actions, such as hand gestures, body language, or other facial expressions, smiles always have the same meaning and have the same feelings behind them.

All this suggests that it’s a good idea for all of us to utilise our smiles a little more often. To look after yours we suggest you:

1.Always ensure you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Once just before bed, and on at least one other occasion. Opt for a fluoride toothpaste.

2.Monitor your consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Seek out alternatives with less sugar wherever possible.

3.Head to your dentist for regular check-ups. Your dentist will be able to recommend how often you need to come in.

Following these simple tips should help to keep your smile on good form. Visit us here at Burford Road for support and advice about keeping your smile shining.

Visit: for more information on World Oral Health Day, which falls on 20th March every year. The website has lots of advice and information about activities taking place to celebrate the occasion.

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