News & Advice: News

Over the years many research studies have taken place which have highlighted worrying statistics regarding the oral health of our children. Despite only having recently gained their adult teeth, too many children are also beginning to experience signs and symptoms... read more.

The Summer holidays are now well under way: the kids are off school, the out of office replies are on, and tourist destinations are enjoying their busy season. You might be planning on jetting off abroad to find some sunshine,... read more.

According to research, published in the Peridontology 2000, the state of our teeth can tell us a lot about our likely life expectancy. The research found that the number of teeth we lose says a lot about our lifestyle. Those... read more.

Long in the tooth

July 24, 2017

When your dentist has suggested an x-ray, have you ever wondered what they were looking for? Does it feel like you're always having x-rays? Do you worry about the impact of the radiation? In today's article, we'll be taking a... read more.

With May rapidly approaching, it's time to look ahead, and to plan for this year's National Smile Month. Running from 15th May until 15th June, National Smile Month aims to increase the nation's awareness of oral health issues in a... read more.

When considering how you might improve the appearance of your teeth, you may feel daunted by the range of options available to you. With adverts on the television and on social media, it may feel like every week brings a... read more.

As February 14th comes around once again, many of us will be turning our thoughts to St. Valentine's Day. Whether you're planning a surprise for that special someone, or sending a secret card, it's hard to escape the hearts and... read more.

What’s in a smile?

February 13, 2017

Growing older doesn't have to mean losing your teeth and ending up with a gappy smile or a set of dentures. There are many steps you can take to maintain your oral health, and to manage some of the inevitable... read more.

With not long to go until the big day, we hope you're not feeling too stressed with planning for all the festivities. Whether it's seeking out the perfect turkey, dressing the Christmas tree, or making it to that carol concert... read more.

2016 may be drawing to a close, and your thoughts may now well and truly be set on Christmas. However, before you start that present shopping, spare a moment for your oral health. November is Mouth Cancer Action Month. This... read more.

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